I am greatful for Friday, however that means it's going into the weekend which is the hardest time for me. Temptations at get togethers, mowing the lawn, working around the house, all the things, that for this alcoholic, go well with drinking. Everything is a trigger.
70 days in and I do notice that that 12 pack or that fifth are not as much top of mind, but that "bear" is still lurking as I guess it always will be. I am greatful for you out there listening and your support. Have a good sober weekend. Hoping to go fishing this weekend.
Sh#t, another trigger.
You have got this! You are a miracle in progress. 70 days is a lot of hours, minutes and seconds. Congratulations
Thank you!!
I'm going fishing sober this weekend. Give it a try and see how it goes.
I didn't get out last weekend. How was your catch? Do any good? I have to figure I would be a mor successful fisherman when sober.
I haven't gone fishing yet since getting out of Tehab. Once the weather cools off, I plan to go.
Gotcha. You mentioned getting out last weekend. Yes it has been pretty hot to fish.
Anyway, I am going to attempt sober fishing one of these weekends. Good luck to you, with fishing. You got this on the sobriety side. Stay strong.
I would HIGHLY recommend AA. I remember feeling exactly how you feel right now. I could always "stop drinking" but I couldn't keep the drink down... Something would ALWAYS happen to me or because of me, which would lead me to drink. I had to hear things like, it's the first drink that gets you drunk - and thinking to myself "lightweight" it took me A LOT more than that to get drunk...and then I listened and heard them say, "if you're an alcoholic like me, once you have that first drink you can't stop". That's me, once I put alcohol in my body, it's game over and I am no longer in control.
Alcohol was my solution for everything, a hot day cutting the grass, a hard day at work, watching football, parties and family get togethers, celebrating, mourning, etc etc etc. I used to give myself every reason in the world to drink. The temptation was STRONG early on in recovery, and it wasn't until I started going to meetings and learning that I am mentally and physically different, and then getting a home group, a service position in that home group, a sponsor, and worked the steps that I became free.
After working the steps, and now sponsoring 6 men and taking them through the steps I now walk a free man. I don't ever think about alcohol (unless I'm here or at a meeting talking about it). I had to learn that I had an obsession of the mind, that probably no human power could have alleviated. I had to hit my knees (and I was brought to my knees by this disease and the carnage I had caused all around me). I had to build and develop a relationship with my higher power, which was accomplished through action and working the steps.
If you want what we have, and are willing to go to ANY length to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps. I had to be willing, open minded, and teachable. You can do this, but not alone! This is a WE program!!
Andrew, Thank you so much for your thoughts. While the triggers are there, I know I mean I really know that I cant afford 1 drink. The temptations are much less than they were, and certainly not on my mind like it was. I am hopeful that being able to spill my guts to this group, and my wife, along with a supportive tight group of friends that know my problem I can do this. Additionally the focus on religion in AA is a big turn off for me. I am sure I would offend people with my thoughts on religion . Thank you again for your support, and it is great what you are doing as a sponsor. Keep doing you. You a definately in the church of good congregation🙂
Oh it's not a religious program. As a matter of fact I had to put the Catholic Church down on my 4th step and list of resentments!! I was told that if God chases you out of the rooms of AA, then the booze will chase you right back in and that was true for me. I hope it's not the case for you. I also shared my opinions on feeling like if there was a God, then He sure AF wasn't doing anything for me or millions of other people suffering around the world. They told me that all I needed was to be willing to believe that there was a power greater than myself in this universe. I understand your hesitations though, and I definitely felt how you feel.