Had a menty b and could not force myself to

Had a menty b and could not force myself to reach out to my homies, kinda rationalized through it, blaming hormones to this sht show of a job hunt but couldn’t call or text anyone. But low key high key, the job market is a souls sucking mothr….5 monthssss of feeling hella lost


Yes this job market is terrible across all industries …. Hoping it flips soon :pray:


I also lost my job recently also and had an interview even more recently , fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4:

You're not alone Mariam



Tf is a "menty b"?

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I know it’s hard but this too shall pass. It’s time for me to rise above and work on my emotional sobriety and my program.

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I’m here if you want to talk

Good morning Mariam

I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. How can we help?

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LOL mental breakdown

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The best thing I've learned about finding a decent job is this, never settle and keep looking until you find the right job. Even if you gotta take a lower paying one temporarily never give up looking til you get a decent job you want! Hang in there!


Ohhhh gotcha. I speak prison well, but not so good at Coachella speak.

Awwww I’ll be sure to translate it for you next time :blush:

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tanksss. If someone can just pay me for existing, that’d be great. It is a lot of work


I love “ menty b “!
Not that you had one.
Just the way you wrote it, Mariam.
Existing D O E S feel like a lotta work, so often.

I am dealing with the hormonal sh-t that men are not capable of handling.

Can you imagine how different our world would be if dudes had to deal with this stuff?
So many would be like wah-wah.

I’m looking for work too.
And here to share that…Society cannot stand older females…well.
More as if-we are invisible.
( Or so, it feels like-many times ).
I cannot stand our vapid culture and society, so often.

I drank to numb myself-and not have to deal with all of the ignorance and stupidity floating about.
Oh. It was so much easier to numb out!

You are not alone in this stuff.
Oh, ok.
Ranting felt good.


What is Menty b

A mental breakdown, but on a smaller scale.

Agree. On all fronts. The numbing…still seems v appealing most days honestly. Especially when you feel like you’re being attacked by a flock of seagulls as you sit innocently with your chips out.

Okay thank you . How is it going today?

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Hi, Mariam-
As asked above,
How is today going?

I cannot relate with numbing sounding more appealing.

Hoping that things improve for you.

I have many sucky moments throughout many sucky days…while the suckiest moments while sober are still better than the “ best “ days while dependent on a substance.

That is not just me relaying an opinion.
Many people will tell you that.
And I hope that things improve.
This is obviously a marathon-and not a sprint.

Reaching out to others and telling your complete truth and honestly is helping me in my recovery. You can lie to others but always be true to yourself.

I'm sorry your feeling this way, and hope you get that job you really want soon.

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