Hard night

Hopefully today will better


I hope so my man!


Sometimes the evenings are harder in early sobriety than the mornings, it will happen and they will pass. Just focus on what you do to stay sober, do a meeting or read your Big Book




Early sobriety is not supposed to be easy. My solution to all of my problems I was drinking. Last time that I drank was because my nephew was being a kid...I had no defense against that first drink. I would highly recommend going to AA and sharing what is going on with you with other men.

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Hole today is better for you

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Does boredom creep in toward the evening? Seek God with all you have and you will find peace in those times. Search in yourself and find the things your are passionate about and pursue them in your tough times, set yourself obtainable goals and work towards those. Give yourself little victories to be proud of and build momentum you’ll see the amount of time you struggle being replaced with purpose and drive. You got this.

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Yessszzz​:latin_cross:We have to learn to survive different! Healthy! Nothing to loose​:latin_cross::muscle::tada::heart:

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