Has anyone tapered successfully?

I'm looking to get sober but scared to stop cold turkey for safety reasons. Has anyone tapered successfully and if so, what did the schedule look like and what form of alcohol was used?

I was thinking with starting just 1 drink per 24 hrs and after 2-3 days pushing it back another 12 hours until I hit two full days of sobriety and see how I feel. Let me know your thoughts and concerns. Thanks in advance very much! Looking forward to joining the millions that have changed their lives for the better


If you're concerned about safety, I would suggest medical detox. 1 drink sounds nice, but would be nearly impossible.


I tapered until I could get to detox but i was pretty severe .. i was sick by 10-11am. I did try cut down alcohol content but it was a very slow and very painful process- took a year just to get to detox. Detox was amazing and I would highly recommend it if u are physically dependent and really ready to live sober.

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Medical detox

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No. I tried weaning myself off alcohol many times over a year+. I failed everytime and the last couple times were extremely severe withdrawal symptoms.
I finally went to the urgent care and they put me on a 5 day prescription of librium. The medication took away my withdrawal symptons within 24 hours and I've been sober since (2+ months). I was very stubborn about getting medical help, but in hindsight I wish i would've done much sooner.

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Agreed. My last attempt at home detoxing made me feel like I was on the edge of death.

You can seriously get hurt trying yourself… step 1…