Have 60 days but having dark thoughts of taking my will back

Have 60 days but having dark thoughts of taking my will back. I'm scared.


Tracey, at 60 days it’s quite normal to be trippin. 30,60,90,180, 9 months & 1 year are breaking points w addiction or breaking bad habits.
Doing the 12 steps w a sponsor multiple times, and service was how I got through it and is still my way of staying happily sober for 15+ years.
I’m here if you want to talk

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I find when I feel like that I reach out to other people in the program and talk to them after the meeting or before and of course I talked to my sponsor about it


Life is a series of moments. You can get through this one. It will pass.


We’ve all been there.
Some good suggestions posted here. Call your sponsor and get to a meeting. Take the action.