Have a great day

Have a great day


Sobriety has to be for you. We have to want it bad enough that the world fades and it’s just you taking it 24 hrs at a time.
People, Places & Things.
It’s crucial to change these things to set yourself up for success. If family cannot support you, then consider distancing yourself while you take care of you. I’m sorry you are hurting, you can do this!


I understand but it won’t fix anything

Carrie you deserve love & kindness. When I got truly sober, I learned to love myself. Not in a narcissistic way but in way that you love a child. Then I was able to love others and be happy.
Dignity, meaningful service, mutual respect and inner peace are waiting for you.
Please get some help to get clean and stay clean by doing the program with all you got! And always remember that you deserve the best💝

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You will always find a reason to drink so long as you keep looking for one. Think of how positive your life could be if you continue to push forward in sobriety despite the hard feelings and challenges - think of the self confidence and pride in knowing you CAN navigate hard things without it. Even if you did choose to drink, every day is a new opportunity. Wishing you the best :gift_heart:

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Good morning Carrie

The best thing to do is not to drink. That way things can get better or drink only makes things worse we are here. If you need to talk you got this I have you in my prayers. 

I totally know what you mean and it is hard to feel good about yourself when you are have people in your life that put you down with little remarks and it is even harder when they start to get mad when you are struggling and when you ask them to stop because you are starting to have a panic attack but they keep pushing your buttons and making you feel not supported.