Having a difficult time lately. I could give details. The

Having a difficult time lately. I could give details. The truth is I’m tired of over explaining things to so many people. I need to learn when to keep details to myself. I am tired. I am in pain, physically and mentally. Life has been rough for me this week and last. I’m losing my ability to breathe and find the joy in life. It’s just. A lot. I need something but I don’t know what that is.

I don’t know that I need advice. This is just me venting. Vaguely. I’m tired.



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I'm hoping things get better for you and I am sorry you're in pain.

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ALANON Family groups helped me stop explaining and many other things related. I hope it gets better for you.


Heather, this too shall pass.

Vent away! That's what we're here for. To listen and help each other heal.


Sorry things are rough right now. Stay the course girl and hang in there, things will hopefully lighten up for you soon :butterfly::bird:🪻


You are not alone in your journey

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We are here to listen!

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Good morning Heather

I have you on my prayers. I pray today is an easy day for you. I pray that you find Gratitude, and the little things to help guide you through the day. God bless you.

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Thank you.

I appreciate it

Hello Heather. I hope that your days are beginning to improve.


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…fairly certain that so many of us have felt this way, Heather.
Sometimes life just feels exhausting.

Sometimes I just remind myself to focus on my breath ( I hold my breath in a lot )…many humans do, obviously.

Make a list (?) maybe-of a few things that may actually be going well.

Wishing you the best and let us know how things are going!

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