Having a Real Hard Time

Having a hard time staying sober in dire need of some help :weary::disappointed:


Hi Natasha, we've all been there. You don't have to do this alone. You have a ton of meetings in your area. Hang in there.

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Hey Natasha, just breathe. Slowly and calm down. It’s gonna be alright.
Have you been sober then relapsed? Or are you wanting to sober up for the 1st time?
There are actions you can take if you truly WANT to get & stay sober. You may need to medically detox and then start a new program.
I’ll friend request you now. We can chat or talk if you want.

Take it a small win at a time! I know you can do it!

Hey Natasha, take it one minute, one day at a time. You can do it! Reach out to those in AA. Go to a meeting. Just don’t give up :heart:

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Good job asking for help!!
Just hang on for the ride and don’t pick up no matter what!!
This too shall pass and you are worth it!!

The only thing we can truly predict is change. Things may be tough now but tomorrow could be totally different. Stay strong I know you got this.

You are not alone

Been in your shoes! Just know that sobriety is wonderful. Wishing you happiness on your journey

I’m here if you need to talk you can call me

I think any of us in sobriety have had those times. We get drunk swear to God we will never do it again. Then of course I did it again until I got it. So ever morning when I got up I prayed to god to help me though another day. If I had to go to 3 meetings a day I did. My higher power got me through the day thankfully. Call another addict. it gets better one day at a time.just for today I will not use.

Good morning Natasha

We understand we have all gone through the struggle. You are not alone do you have a sponsor? Do you have a support group you can call? Do you have a home group you can go to?

These are the things I had to do to recover one day at a time.

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Sent you a FR. I have a dozen worksheets or so that I'd be happy to work through with you. Or just pass on to you. Your preference. Programs work. Folks w/ 50 yrs clean time and still hitting 5 meets a wk. Sobriety gives me purpose. You can do this. It takes a little time to get into a rhythm. L

Facts. I have a yr without any of that too consistently by tje sheer grace of my loving father and I just got my 1st sponsor today... my life depends on. it. I am worth it. I can do it. Plus my addiction is an a**hole and I'm up to the fight!

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Praise God brother I’m so proud of you