Having urges to use. I am 65 days clean and I am having urges to smoke crack and that wasn't even my main drug of choice I have nobody and no meetings in my area tonight...
How are you doing Megan?
65 days is 65 wins and 65 opportunities to fail when you didn’t fail, you kept going. You are stronger than your addiction.
Yes urges to be a stunt man for a gas chamber, a stand in for a man getting executed by firing squad, if I am on my work days I do good, its the days off that get dicey
I have put together 11 years no drink no coke in a pipe no pot..I should be doing ok, well I am as long as the minute I feel depressed I pray
This too shall pass! 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day at a time, you got this! Sending prayers your way!
Praying for you Megan.
Megan, steps one through three of AA will remove those urges. Practice those steps daily, hour or however much you need to remove those urges.
Stay focused on your sobriety. You got this. The feelings of compulsion will pass. Keep
Busy. Help others if you can.
Please don't give up.You have come to far.
Megan,are you ok?? I only coined last night and having doubtful thoughts about the whole situation
Happy to chat anytime.
Hi Megan, hang in there.. you got this.. Maybe go to Zoom Meetings But we're here to Support you
Stay Strong Megan,ODAAT
Good for you for reaching out and being honest. You are not alone. You ok today?