Headed out for a run around the lake with my

Headed out for a run around the lake with my boy. Making sure I keep my mind right during this time of year. What are some healthy ways y’all cope/deal with seasonal depression?


Working out is key for my sobriety


Exercise, trying to get sunlight on me, eating healthy, and reading are some things that I do to keep the positive momentum going.

I'm literally trying to figure that out as well??? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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Believe it or not I like to give my apartment a deep clean. I feel so proud when it's done

Definitely the gym

What a stunning fur baby! You are such a strong independent woman! So admire that

Awesome I do the same thing with my children I run almost every weekend

I stay dedicated to my gym
routine :pray:

Be strong :muscle: :sparkles:

Hello Brittany. I jump in my SUV and hit the road and put on some music and cruise. I picked up golfing and bought a couple of pistols and go to gun range. I made 4 years sober last week and I feel great. Hang in there and stay strong

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Staying active, getting outside even if it’s cold and taking plenty of vitamin D! What a beautiful view and pup!

Gym, a good sleep schedule, and skiing keep my spirit high in the winter.

Gym, rest, road cycle, shooting range both indoor and outdoor and work with my sponsees.

Just sayin your dog is gorgeous. It looks quite peaceful to run around that lake... I'd stick with it!

I love to walk with music playing a little too loud in my earbuds. About 25 years ago I ran, and my favorite run was my Sunday run through the Alabama swamp. (In Alabama NY) The geese were always there, But thousands in migration season.