Heart sick

I need someone to talk to bad


What’s going on?


I don’t mind talking if you still need someone

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You doing okay, Bradley?

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I slept until 5pm...I am super depressed and very lonely...I didn't check this app but thank you for replying to me

What's goin on brother?

Heart broken and playing guitar and trying to write a song

Maybe you can just sleep on it and when you wake up throw all your thoughts on a blank sheet of paper and put any doodling down too. Writers do this and they call it “vomiting on a page. Later, days weeks months or more they will revisit it and then spin a piece from it. At any rate I support the principle of staying with it and going through it. Your HP will provide. Remember we are all sick and so are most so called normal people. :love_you_gesture::pray::sun_with_face:🫂:heart:

Well I an sorry to hear about the heart break. Hopefully the thoughts and emotions will translate into an awesome, worthy and memorable song. I do know that is often enough the way these things work. Heartbreak sucks. This I know for certain all too well. I do believe however that time heals most wounds and typically heartbreak is one of them.

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Hey Bradley! Just saw this. Hope you were able to ride the wave through those feelings. There will be more to come. Be prepared. You WILL. be ok. How’s the song writing? I want to hear it!

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Feel free to message me

Just read this. I hope you are having ok.

You feeling better?

Hey you want to hear some songs