Hello everyone I’m glad I made it to this sober

Hello everyone I’m glad I made it to this sober app I hope I find someone who will help me stop using hard dr*gs and stop drinking alcohol I’m tired and I don’t wanna lost everything I work for :sob:.





Your welcome

Welcome Indy.
What benefit do these drugs/alcohol provide for you? I bet any benefit is actually an illusion.


We are glad you’re here we have all gone through the horrors of addiction. And alcoholism. How much time do you have right now?

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:cry: I’m dying I need someone to help

Do you think going to treatment is necessary? It was the best decision I ever made. It's sooooo much better on this side :butterfly:🪻⚘

Indy, what I know to be true for me in my success thus far was admitting that I am powerless of alcohol and that I was an alcoholic. Also, I could no longer deal with the pain.

I sponsor

Don't give up. I do recommend finding a meeting to go to. Hopefully you can fond someone to connect with there.

In my experience, no human power could save me. I had to go to AA, work my steps, and as a result, have a spiritual experience.

For the record, I was a “hard” drug addict. AA is still where I got sober.