Hello I am not an alcoholic but was inaccurately labelled one

I am not an alcoholic but was inaccurately labelled one by my doctor when I sought help during a very dysfunctional relationship. I can stop after two. I did not relate to members at AA. I avoid going to bars because it is awkward having that history. I was very open about it with my employer, family, friends and social networks. I am a health professional in a very small community and I run into patients and coworkers making it awkward. I am single and my kids are all grown up. I am introverted but still feel very isolated. I have developed an addiction to cannabis but it wreaking havoc on my health and I feel guilty about it. I can’t seem to stop. Are there meeting on here?


Welcome Leslie. As far as alcohol, curious what you think about Alan Carr's illustrated quit drinking without willpower.
As far as cannabis, what have you been using it for, and when you look at it deeply does it provide that for you?

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I will check it out. I use cannabis to unwind after work, to have a pick me up and help cleaning my house be more fun. I want to stop smoking it and just try oils because I feel guilty about smoking. I know I can probably find those feelings in other ways.

where do i see that joshua?

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It’s more the cannabis that is a problem. I have become addicted. My brain needs it now because it stopped producing cannabinoids. Today is day 1. I will not buy anymore, I took the day off.

I found the book on Audible

I have a friend who never drinks, but got hooked on pain pills. She identifies as an alcoholic, and prefers AA meetings over NA meetings. Whether it’s booze, coke, weed, pills, or even gambling, it’s all the same mindset. There is a solution


Love this answer :heart::100:


The issue is there is a singleness of purpose and you are supposed to just talk about drinking in AA. I think this app is mainly for drinking. Going to MA meetings online.

I am going to start a 12 step women’s meeting at my house. I can’t attend the one meeting in my community because it’s a conflict at work.

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Any program dealing with addiction would be helpful dosnt have to be AA doesn't have to be NA there one called SMART recovery and ohhh so many more ! Any program and support is better than no program or support hope this helps any questions were here for ya !

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I’ll look into it.

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I like Smart. It’s science based

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