Hello I need an advice on something

Nothing ever works they say Rockbottom works. They say Rehab works. Nothing works.

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My rehab center that I paid $13,000 out-of-pocket said right when I went through one percent would make it guess what I didn’t but I still try.  my advice is do not go to rehab unless it’s court ordered well I take that back cause I got some nice friends out of it, but they’ve all relapsed. Three of us died fentanyl overdoses I am alcohol but there’s still my friends


Staying in the rooms, and for me I took medication. That was a game changer. I do not believe I would have made it without the added help of the medication in the beginning.

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I decided my addiction was boring the same thing would happen every time I got high. I decided to see what would happen if I just stopped. My desire to love and connect to other humans outweighed my desire to get high.


Chase your recovery like you did your dope! Be willing, open minded, and honest. Get a sponsor and start working the steps….the solution is in the steps!


Thank you so very much

When you get tired enough of that life you’ll be able to walk away. Pray about it. Stay around sober people and never be afraid to reach out when you are struggling. Sick people help sick people. And we all in this together. You can do it. You just have to make up your own mind that YOU ARE WORTH IT

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Go outside most of it is in your mind find a job to take your mind off join the boy Scott’s even if they turn you down a thousand an a half time

Thank you everyone!

Hi there, do you mind me asking what medication you’re talking about? I tried Vivitrol shot in the past but it gave me really bad headaches

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Stop fighting. Realize that you don’t know how to stay sober and ask folks who do.
Go to meetings
Get a sponsor and work the steps. That’s where I learned to stop fighting and surrender. The solution is in the steps.

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I took Naltrexone, 50mg once a day. I’ve learned doctors don’t seem to be very educated on it, I was told a different way to take it by just about everyone. I was given scripts for twice a day dosing, I was never educated on when to stop, or on if you needed to take it as needed vs daily.
I personally took 50mg daily for probably nearly a year before weaning off. I took myself off, and I did that by just monitoring my cravings. I still have bottles of the medication and was recently told I could use the medication as needed. I just don’t have cravings anymore, not physical anyway, and the mental cravings come and go so quickly it’s been a miracle for me. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the help of a program, I do want to be very clear about that.

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I’m looking for my naltrexone now. Crossing my fingers! Thank you :pray:

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Crossing my fingers for you sister :two_hearts:

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Make a decision. Over time it gets easier. Spend your time with other sober people and keep yourself away from people or situations that make it harder.

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Nothing works until YOU are ready

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It's a daily oral version of Vivitriol.. but don't let that stop you from trying it... the effects only last a day or two after taking it for 3 days, so if it is making you feel worse, it's better than waiting the 25-30 days it takes to get vivitrol out of your system.


The only way you’re going to get over it, is when you decide that you are done hurting yourself with that behavior. When you decide that you love yourself enough to stop the pain. And when you forgive yourself - and everyone else, from the past - then you can love yourself enough to stop doing the things that hurt you.


Good morning Greg

I thought addiction for 21 years drugs and alcohol. I had no solution I had to way out. I thought I was going to die. An alcoholic drug addict death.

My God‘s grace he brought me to the fellowship of AA and N A.

And through working the steps, going to meetings, getting a sponsor, taking guys through the steps and giving back what was so freely given to me

I just celebrated 23 years clean and sober we do recover brother we just have to follow a few simple steps. Hopefully this helps