Hello new to this I am 188 days booze free

Hello new to this I am 188 days booze free. I was not an alcoholic but I was not a good drinker. I find myself at 38 single for a very long time and now with no friends. I packed every weekend with so many activities around drinking that when I decided to stop the slow weed out I was already doing of toxic relationships and friends just disappeared over night. Now I have nothing, I can’t even come up with a plus one to events lol. I have tried dating apps after day three of speaking to someone they don’t know what to do with me when we are going to meet. Drinks is the only option, I can still
Mocktail but people have this huge problem with that like you have deceived them lol? Help me find a tribe :heart:


This is a good start. When you start doing the things you live to do and stop looking,thats when you will find what your looking for. Anyways,congrats on the sobriety now live life and have fun.

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The cat on your treadmill is my new spirit animal BTW.

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There are tons of things to do! Try something you have always thought would be fun and give it a shot. What’s the worst that can happen. Take a class. Try archery, golf, biking…. Groups and leagues are all over the place. You will find something, just be open to new experiences.

Meetup.com has all sorts of groups based off common interests. I was new to my area 3 years ago and found a few people through hiking crews + book clubs.

You can start your own as well!

There is not one in my area unfortunately

Not any groups?
Meetup.com is all over….Since you have your location on your profile, I just searched for you. Maybe not your town exactly but there are quite a bit in the surrounding areas. I am seeing a ton all between Ann Arbor + Detroit.

I tried like the sober version or something from a “sober girl” site and nothing
I just googled it and there some new stuff thank you