Hello Orange County

Hello my name is Andrew and I am a recovering alcoholic addict, by Grace, only the Author of Creation Jesus Christ can give.
I say this because when I died with my skull crushed under my 4,400 lbs car the lights went out I screamed but made no sound, a flash of white light replaying my life showing the two girlfriends me cheating on both of them with a flirtatious girl drunk at a party the previous weekend as I'm drinking, smoking funny things, then using the Name of Jesus Christ in vain just like Hollywood taught everyone and that cut the replay. I heard thunderous "Use all your well learned politics or I'll lay your soul to waste. Then Jesus "You're in the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. I Prayed to Him promising never to deny Him again. After weighing my heart and mind. I begged Him to cut me some slack Pops, then heard thunder and awakened next to my car that indented my skull 2 mm bone fragments removed from lacerated brain matter on surgery report. Recovered in 3 weeks going Home.
2 years later I met Peter, James and John on the edge of Death valley after paying for 5 hours.
A few years ago the Police tried to kill me with the boot,club, yank arm up crying Stop resisting! To justify the boots and clubs to yank arm as ten pile on. Ten minutes later I gasp Jesus save me and a second later ten cops are wiped off my back as I start levitating. But those are other stories
Just checking in .