Hello there, I'm laura piatkwosi by name,I’ve been sad for

Hello there, I'm laura piatkwosi by name,I’ve been sad for over 6years now that I lost my whole family, husband, daughter with my both parents, I’m a submissive and respectful human being I pray as a widow to out of sadness and sorrow I’ve been going through since all this year, been alone is a sad and sorrowful heart for me. I pray for recovery and something else that will make me feel happy on earth :earth_americas: again

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Lifting you up in prayer! May God send comfort, healing and peace to you! In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Praying :pray::pray::pray::pray:

Oh lord this is the fakest account I’ve ever seen.


Yup beyond fake


It's crazy how many fake accounts and how much catfishing goes on here. People have no shame

If this account is real ill start praising the Jesus with you nutjobs


Right this supposed to be about sobriety and gathering a real support system.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I was thinking the same … of all the bot posts this one is the best


Taylor O. ~ what do you mean by “nut jobs” ?

I dunno, seems legit to me. Poor Laura Scrubachincostcow just messaged me and could use some loot. Her Nigerian funds are coming state side any day now. All I need to do is give her my bank information and we’re good👍🏻
Oh, and I’m throwing in a little extra so she can get another power ranger costume :grin:



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"Nobody fücks with the jesus" the Jesus rolls.
