Help, 3 days in, body still in sweats and shakes,

Help, 3 days in, body still in sweats, shakes, nausea, still can’t eat,body ache. When will I start feeling normal? What does normal even feel like anymore??

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Major withdrawals should calm down after about 7 days but post acute withdrawals can last up to 18 months. Call your doctor and let them know also!


Call your doctor. Non medical detoxes can be deadly.


It's alot easier in a facility with support and people who help you get your structure back into your life, I felt Sick for 4-5 days badly then it eases up and by day ten felt like I was on top of the world and happy again, but each day I have to keep my mind focused on the long term goal, being sober again, every day is easier and easier but it's a daily struggle.. alot easier if you have support groups, therapy, sponsors, just whatever works best for you.. it's almost impossible to do alone with no help.. I'm a year and a half clean and have faith that you can do this, the first step is the desire to quit and your already on your way. Stay positive and keep your head up! You got this!!


I agree, I tried to detox many times at home and I believe if I had the support of peers and others going through the same thing it might have been successful the first time rather than the sixth or seventh. Also, a lot of people are in different stages of detox, and are more than supportive in many ways.

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I felt better after about a week, but I had random rapid heart rate, like 150/bpm for a year

Please seek medical attention. If you go to any er and tell them what you're trying to do they will detox you themselves or give you the necessary medication (Librium in most cases) so you can detox comfortably. There are two drugs that can kill you from withdrawal and alcohol is one of them. Take it seriously and seek medical help. Youre a rockstar for deciding to quit. It's the best decision you'll ever make


I feel better! Tomorrow 7 days!
Turns out I had a UTI. (Sorry TMI)
Hang over and that felt like death. I’m on antibiotics now.
Keeping myself distracted has helped, I rearranged most of my house, started focusing in training my husky (he’s a pup)
I even created a spread sheet.
Chances are I will get the urge. No doughy about it. Specially on the weekend. I’m glad I have this app.
Thank you all for the concerns and advice.
I’ll keep moving a day at a time


Glad you’re finding some place to put your energy. There will continue to be times when you have the urge to drink or use. Make good use of your support system in those moments. You are not alone :slight_smile:

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Drink a lot of fluids

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You’ll be okay

A lot of people can’t afford medical help or have insurance that covers it. I’m one of those people. If worst comes to worst it can lead to DTS and potential seizures. A trip to the ER is sometimes the only option. It can save ur life.

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I didn’t drink for 6 days a week ago and day 4 I started having body aches and not an everyday drinker

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A teaspoon of nutmeg in a small glass of water will take care of the neasua.