Help I want to be af but seems like I

Help I want to be af but seems like I do fairly well then stress and depression hit and seems easier to drink to ease my pain.


Find something else you enjoy and it will ease the pain. A walk, hike, maybe a new sport or golf, I taught myself to knit (kept my hands occupied), go shopping and reward yourself (can be something small - even a nail polish has made me happy).

Stress is normal we just have to find different ways of handling it now.

That urge passes and then you will be thankful and proud of yourself.
It’s not easy but the alternative isn’t fun or rewarding.

One day at a time.

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Thank you so much.

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Stress and depression are the excuses we use to justify the using. A big part of recovery for me was learning new coping techniques to deal with the stress and depression without the destructive self medication. If you are not in a program I would recommend it. AA, the steps, a sponsor… all were key for me getting clean. Therapy and meds were also a major factor. You can do it. Keep sharing and talking and expressing.

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Hey Ana, try meditating and maybe saying some prayers. Try taking up a hobby cooking, painting, going for walks. Anything to get your addict mind distracted from picking up. Please reach out if you need help or support. We are here to help.
If you don’t pick up you can’t get high.

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Thank you so much.

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Thank you so much.