Hey everyone, I am new to this app and j

Hey everyone, I am new to this app and wanting to get sober and I know support groups help. Any suggestions also would be appreciated!

Hey! Congrats on your decision to get sober. Everyone’s journey begins there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my best suggestion to begin with is to do a little research into the different sobriety and recovery programs/options out there. When you find one that speaks to you, dive in! Really try to build a network of sober people who you can see (even via virtual meetings) on the regular to help with accountability. There’s always the traditional path of AA or a treatment center. But in recent years, many more options have become available to us. I attend a Buddhist recovery program. A few friends of mine do SMART recovery. Other that I know, have joined Tempest Sobriety School or The Luckiest Club (all are easy to find on Google) good luck!


Thank you for the suggestions Allie!! I know it’s a journey that I can do with support from many people! I have started the AA program and so far that has helped a lot with accountability!!!!

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You’re so welcome! That’s great. I started in AA as well. It’s a wonderful foundation for sobriety :pray:t3: def get a sponsor and start the steps ASAP - wishing you the best!


Yes I plan on doing it as soon as possible! I don’t want to relapse and look back again with regrets like I have in the past! I’m ready for the change this time for good!! Thank you!!