Hey everyone! New to the app 54 days clean

Hey everyone!!!! New to the app 54 days clean and this is not easy!!!! I’m hoping joining an app will help.


Hi, Melissa! Congrats on 54 days. That's no small feat. Keep up the great work.

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Thank you!!!!

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You're welcome.

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Hi Melissa, Welcome and Congrats on your Amazing 54 Days Sober..


Welcome congratulations sister


One step at a time. Celebrate every step. You got this!


I agree every step should be celebrated.

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Congratulations 54!! Wow!!!

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Hello Melissa!!!

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Welcome :wave:! Always like to meet someone else who's been sung 'Sweet Melissa' tune like they've never heard it :wink:. Glad you are here. I have been able to find a lot of support here.

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Hi 54 days nice start
Going to meeting?
Have a sponsor?

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Hey Melissa. Rooting for you. When you believe you deserve better, you will get better.

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Thank you for joining us out here ,no its not easy, but its easier with you here to help us out...:slight_smile:

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Hope you’re in a better place now! I started feeling amazing around that time. Very confused, but feeling great :joy:

Keep it up!

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Welcome to both and all Melissa's :wink::grin:! Glad you are here.

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Welcome and well done!