Hey! I’m new to this community so I just wanted

Welcome. And good luck Sara!


Thank you so much for sharing Sara

We are glad you are here. This is a safe place for us to let go of our pain and seek some Guidance, Experience, Strengthen and Hope.

I struggled with drugs and alcohol. For over 21 years. I thought that I would die a drug or alcoholic death.

Before coming into the rooms, I tried to stop so many times and failed over and over and over again.

So if you pick yourself back up and try again. There is no shame in that. Resilience and hope that one day you will achieve freedom from active addiction and alcoholism.

This past February 21 I just celebrated 23 years clean and sober. We do recover keep coming back no matter what.


One day at a time
Moment to moment
If need be
Stick to the basics time flies by
We do recover


Welcome, I’m glad you’re here


You’ll get it! Rigorous honesty and determination will carry you far further than you might expect. Just keep up your commitment to your program and keep building skill.

Consider: when we are toddling, because we are not yet proficient in walking, we spent most of the day, getting up and falling down, and then getting back up again. At this formative stage of childhood, we are undaunted if we fall over, crack our head, and cry for 10 minutes. As long as nobody’s interfering with our natural process, we will get back up and keep working on walking until we get it right !

All of us have this ability to stay the course, and keep moving forward if we set our minds to it in determination, and the willingness to learn .

Sometimes it means that we fall down and cry . So we get back up 


Woo Hoo. Glad your back.:slightly_smiling_face: Sobriety is so worth it.

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Good luck

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Welcome back, I'm glad you're here!! What's going to be different this time? As far as the steps go, it sounds like you're still on Step 1. Unless you realize that to drink/use is to die, you're just not there yet.

On the plus side, you made it through your first 4th of July without having to pickup!! I'm not trying to discourage you at all, but I needed to have these things pointed out to me when I was brand new to sobriety.

Try to hit 90 meetings in 90 days, put sobriety first over everything else, don't pick up no matter what, be open-minded, willing to follow suggestions, and teachable and you will do well! Half measures availed us NOTHING, I had to be all in and fully committed to this thing in order for it to work for me.

Praying for you! :pray:t2::heart:

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I like that toddler analogy!

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So happy your back on track :heart:

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So glad you’re here

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Welcome Sara :heartbeat:

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You got this Sarah, every day presents a new opportunity to begin again and I’m proud of you for taking that opportunity to make your comeback in your sobriety!


Hello Sara

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Welcome back !! God speed.

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Hi Sara.
I hope you are enjoying the beautiful summer weather?

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Wow really love these shares n the encouragement! Sara, n September you will never regret putting yourself all in on the Program. Steps are suggested as a program of recovery. But I found over the years, our ability to resist relapse becomes stronger the more meetings I go to n the more work I put into the Steps. Its like any training program we might take to learn something new. We get out of it what we put into it. Get serious n DON’T PICK UP! So glad you came back! Its DOABLE! Hugz Sky B :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::white_heart::pray:t4:🪶:rainbow::hibiscus::hibiscus:


I like the toddler analogy too! Mind blown! :exploding_head:

Wow. Thanks so much everyone for the encouragement and support! Feeling the love!

