Hey y’all, I’ve been struggling with some hardcore depression the

Hey y’all, I’ve been struggling with some hardcore depression the last few days and I’m tired of feeling this way. If I stopped drinking because I was so depressed but feel depressed even when I don’t drink then what’s the point of not drinking?


It is temporary. Be easy on yourself and allow your brain to heal. Post acute withdrawal symptoms can last for months. Try to do things to naturally get your dopamine/serotonin boosted. :two_hearts:


It’s been more than three months since I’ve been sober :pensive:

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Are you engaging in any hobbies/community?


I was like that at 1st myself still have days where I get down but I hangout with sober people and go do things keep your mind focused on positive things like working and stacking your bread


I work on my house to keep my mind busy and engaged.

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I just have no interest right now.

Baby steps. Try to set small goals for yourself. Sorry you’re going through this. Feel free to reach out if you’re at your breaking point.

Hi I'm new to the group. I thought this was a app that let me meet people from C. C. TEXAS. Is anyone from Corpus

Try to enjoy the simple things for me it's a pb&j or a decent coffee or watching SpongeBob

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Idk if you're working a program but if not I'd go that direction. Removing the drinking is not enough for most people. For me it was AA & prozac. I've suffered from depression my entire life. I have around the same amount of time sober as u 3 months I've never felt better. Keep your head up & don't give up. Explore all options because drinking surely isn't the answer. I wish you well

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You have to do your self work..

Maybe a change of scenery would help? More sunshine did wonders for me. :man_shrugging:t3:

I’ve been sober a year and a half, but going through something similar right now. I’ve always known I was prone to depression that I was “drinking over” and making worse in the long run. Quitting didn’t change the fact I struggle with depression but I am hopeful that I can deal with it now differently than I have in the past. I have the same hope for you. Message me if you ever need to talk.

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Don't drink that's what I always remember there are herbal remedies for you when you're feeling depressed or go to therapy, volunteer at a church, find a new hobby, listen to good music, mindfulness, psychotherapy AA or even try these meds I take Prozac for depression and Antabuse for the cravings if you have them it's easy to get clean but it's hard to stay sober


Great point

I can relate - I guess for me I keep thinking that the longer I suppress it with booze, the longer it will take for my brain to start balancing chemicals again. I’m still having periods of depression followed by a similar amount of ok days and the occasional good day. Only sober 2 months so time will tell but I know how that feels and it’s a tough spot. Good luck and keep pushing! Hope we can all find some peace!

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Please consult a doctor. Depression can sometimes be a chemical imbalance in your brain, and there is not a single problem that alcohol can solve!
But I know exactly how you are feeling. I thought drinking made my depression better. It did just the opposite, I would wake up in the morning feeling even worse! Alcohol is a depressant, so it's going to compound any depression that is all ready there.
When I got sober, I saw a doctor and a therapist for a while, and it helped huge... I've been sober for almost a year and life is continuously getting better! God bless...

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I get it. Cheers to you for even getting vulnerable enough to express yourself. Here’s a few things that help me: a therapist helps me arrange my mind, a home group so I have an AA support system, antidepressants so my brain chemicals are balanced, working out which is a natural way to produce dopamine; just to name a few. Hope I could help in some way!


I'm going through the same thing honey , one day at a time