Hi all! I’m new here as of today and just

Hi all! I’m new here as of today and just want to introduce myself. I’m 28 and this weekend I have made the decision to stop drinking. Had some really inspiring talks with my husband and his sister (who is in the same boat.)

Until Saturday I was drinking 6 or 7 strong Busch Ice beers every night. I tried to justify it saying ‘well I never get drunk and always feel fine in the mornings!’ Which actually might have been a bad thing. That’s just how high my tolerance was - which is absurd for a 100lb lady like me.

Saturday was the turning point. We were all hanging out with some family and friends and even though I wasn’t feeling drunk, they were all worried about how much I was drinking. My husband and his sister both talked to me and now I really want to give this another try.

I’ve literally drank a lot every night since the lockdowns started in March 2020. It got even worse when I got married in June of that year and moved away from my family’s house and it’s been like that ever since.

I’m ready to get healthier and stop this before it gets any worse. After all, I am on 2 antidepressants and I’m worried I’ll have seizures or a stroke as a result of drinking so much on these meds.

I’m excited to someday have the energy and mental energy to get back into my artwork and music.


Welcome! This is a great start on your sobriety journey. It sound like you are a li tone with a list of “yets” haven’t hurt anyone yet, gone to jail yet, been hospitalized yet… that is a feather in your cap! Hold on to it.
Getting sober isn’t easy, but the benefits are totally worth it. My meds worked correctly when I got clean. My health improved, my relationship with my wife and kids is so much stronger. I would advise an appointment with you doctor for a full physical. For me, my blood work was all sorts of outta wack. Also find a program. AA, SMART, Recovery Darmha…something. It takes a community to get and stay sober. Good luck!


Thank you! Yeah I’m thankful to not have been in any serious trouble yet. I went to the doc a few weeks ago for my physical and everything looked good, bloodwork was normal. Really enjoying this app so far. Told my husband I downloaded it last night and he was so happy to hear it.

Fantastic! My wife callus it my sober Facebook… lol. Keep reaching out for advice and help! The community really is a help!

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Welcome. I am new myself and 7 days sober. Looking forward to sharing my life with other people who struggle like I do

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Way to go Alyvia! Proud of you!

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