Hi, new to this app. I have 18 months clean and sober, I'm a full time nursing student and struggling to find time for my recovery/meetings/stepwork.
Super grateful for another day clean
As someone who’s relapsed plenty, I’m going to say this because I care more about your sobriety than your feelings—
That’s an excuse. You always have time for the things the are most important to you. Even if you live in the middle of the Gobi desert, you have internet. Find a regular Zoom meeting.
We have a disease that wants us isolated so it can convince us to kill ourselves. Don’t take it lightly.
Congrats on 18 months and chasing your dreams. Don’t let your disease take that from you.
18 months is awesome Michael! Glad you’ve joined the app. I’m a nurse so I understand how time consuming nursing school is with class and clinicals. It’s a lot. Your sobriety is most important so stay focused, positive and strong. I wish you the best
BS.. U have know idea how hard nursing school is.... There are many ways to stay sober when your season in life requires alot of hard work. This guy needs encouragement not your judgment! Keep up the hard work MJ! Congrats on your 18 mos! I have been there.. A nursing career will give you the financial freedom you need to have a better life....Stay connected​:ok_hand:
I definitely appreciate your honesty bro, and yeah there are some great zoom meetings that I can utilize, I actually still attending in person meetings once or twice a week, it's just that before school I was used to going to however many meetings I wanted and whatever recovery events and what not, but now my schooling is super heavy so I'm limited
Thank you
Any yes, a lot of people have no idea! It's nuts, on top of being a single father of two little ones, thanks for your encouragement
I remember.. It is insane! Once your done you won't have to worry about $ and taking care of your family​:ok_hand:
That's the plan, it's so hard here in California, the cost of living is ridiculous and I can't just up and leave because my kids mother is here and she gets a little bit of custody
Dude that’s amazing. Like @christina239736 said, nursing school is tough. Give yourself some grace. Pick two or three a week and don’t miss them. You got this.
I did it in NY, same thing and i worked full time! You can do it!!! Cally nurses are paid handsomely! It is worth it
What where u on ?
IV user
God bless u came off that