Hi. New to this app. I’m currently in IOP and

Hi. New to this app. I’m currently in IOP and going to AA meetings, but I felt like adding another Avenue for support.

Long story short about 4 years ago I was in a coma after having a grand mal seizure detoxing from alcohol. I have pretty much been a raging alcoholic for the past 10. I was sober for about three years then had a relapse. It started slow, but before I knew it I was sneaking away from my family to drink in excess by myself. I decided to get help again.

Today I am two months sober, but have really been struggling lately to keep going. I hope that I can find some strength and inspiration here :relaxed:


Hey! You are back and giving it another shot... that’s a victory right there!

Rely on your previous experiences to keep you going. You may have lost your continuous sober tenure but you didn’t lose those experiences within that time. Lastly I’d say don’t compare this time around with last. It’s just another chapter in your book of life you are writing.

Reach out, keep talking (“mix it with air” as one of my counselors used to say), and don’t be a stranger. We are here for each other.

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We are here to help
Seattle area here
Go to some meetings find a sponsor
Add me as a friend and if you need to talk or struggling hit me up
I’m 13 years clean from meth

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Hit me up anytime. Every empathetic interaction is helpful :slight_smile:

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You have strength. You came here! You are a strong person!!!!

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Hey caryn. What you went through really hit home with me. I’ve had 3 grand mal seizures from alcohol and should have stopped after the first. I’ve come to realize that alcoholism is a disease that people won’t understand. Ive been drunk for 10 years with a 3 month sober streak at best. I’ve read stories of people dying from grand mail seizures and it’s heartbreaking. You’re 2 months in and I know things can seem hopeless and boring but think of people who didn’t get another chance after their seizures. I know I’ve had 3 so I shouldn’t talk but I just wanted to say I relate to you and I hope nothing but success for you in sobriety.

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I feel you deeply. I woke up one morning and fell over and could not get off the floor. My daughter rushed me to the hospital where I was told I had 30 to 90 days to live...if I was lucky! Needless to say I was blown away as I worked everyday of my life. Woke up at 5am, raised my daughter, high stress job in sales, bo family except one sister on the other side of the country. I owned my home, was promoted often rook care of my business and never had a DUI, ticket, accident and was 56 years of age! Low and behold my Liver failed because I drank like a fish and completely functioned until I dropped to the ground. I was so healthy otherwise that I qualified for a liver transplant and was blessed to have one and come through with flying colors! Now...being sober for 3 years and happily moving forward you would think that I respected my gift wholeheartedly...which I have. And then I had a breakdown of emotional challenges that threw me over the edge! I relapsed...ughhh. A few here, a few there then a bottle of wine or two a week or a day (did not touch hard alcohol) no matter as alcohol is alcohol period. What was I thinking?! I got a grip and am again on my road to dedicated recovery. I sincerely need this app for support. I feel understood here. I will not fail. God is watching me and I cannot let him, my donor or myself down. I hope I'm not too late this time. Pray!

Not all is lost. You got this, you already have the know how, so let’s apply that and move forward. Take action, that’s what my sponsor always tells me. One day at a time, work the program, and get back in touch with your spirituality.