High Anxiety Today

I’m having a hard time today…I just celebrated 9 months but for some reason my anxiety is on 10 right now and I really want a drink. Stuck at home while wife is at work with the car…I also have money to spend…any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated…


You already know where drinking is gonna lead you, right?

Calm down. Take a walk(leave your $ at home). Think about the reasons why you're getting sober. Think about the things you might lose.

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Mellisa , your addictive brain is doing this to you!!!! It feels real…..it is not….im glad you have reached to people here , however talking on the phone with someone in the program will always help….or call your sponsor if you have one…..WE stay sober …I drink….your value here is beyond numerical calculation!!!!! Truth!!!
Keith Kayle

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