Hit 30 days yesterday. This is typically the time I

Hit 30 days yesterday. This is typically the time I relapse. Having a hard time not to, lots of cravings.


Hit those meetings hard :pray:


HALT! Avoid hungry angry lonely tired the best you can and what Luis said. Keep reaching out :yellow_heart:


Thank you!

Stay busy. Try walking in nature or hitting the gym.


Hello Ashley, just remember how bad it was out there 32 days ago. That owed you the pain she was in.

Just remember if you continue not to pick up a drink or a drug your life will get so much better and you will never have to feel that pain that you felt 32 days ago ever ever again.

I hope that helped. How are you doing?


Thank you. I am doing well now that my work week has started-been keeping busy!

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You got this start hitting meetings trust me it works if you work it. You got this


I’m so proud of you. Keep up the amazing work.

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You got this!!! Always know there are so many people that are a part of this online community that you can talk to if you ever need a friend!! Or even some words of encouragement!!!

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It's so good your aware of yourself/patterns...that's all you need in order to break the cycle...hang in there!!

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That’s right :pray:

Hey, Ash! I feel you there.

My feelings are all out of whack and it's difficult to ignore the urge to numb them.
I held myself accountable in a meeting tonight, even about the fact that I'm $hi++y about reaching out for help, so much so that I'll call or text others and ask how they are doing when what I really want/need is THEIR support lol. So yeah, told on myself and let my recovery family know that I'm not okay right now.

I picked up my vape (nicotine) tonight instead of using. I'd much rather hold off on quitting vaping and stay clean, than the alternative.

Thank you for sharing where you are. It gives others a chance to love and support you. We're here for you. I'm here for you. Just for Today, my friend :orange_heart:


Thank you for your wonderful response. It is much appreciated❤️

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This! (Although I use


Awwww! You're so welcome, Ash! :yellow_heart:

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You got this!!!! Hang in there. I’m praying for you🙏

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Treat your pet. Listen to music . If you play an instrument play it, it doesn't need to even be close to good, paint, draw, bake something. Just trying to do anything creative. Watch a movie and write a review. Exercise. I am no pro. Just getting started. I am reaching for these straws and reading these gratitude every day. Stay strong and fight it.


You got this. My suggestion? Don’t be haunted by your mistakes of the past. Celebrate your present! 30 days is huge! If taking it a day at a time seems to hard break it down into hours and even minutes if you need to, I’m so proud of you and you talking about what’s going on in your recovery helps yourself and others. You’re doing great!


I think you just told yourself what you have been doing in the past has not worked. I too, am guilty of rewarding myself in the past, and it always turned out to a relapse. Know that I cannot reward myself for not drinking by having a drink. That sounds kind of like insanity.I can’t do it, so I don’t. It sounds like you need to not give in because you know what is going to happen. Wishing you all the best.