
Has anyone picked up any hobbies and it turned into an addicted passion?

Mine is gaming….

Ugh I feel like a kid again.


I go to the gym religiously. I’ve gone for 107lbs in active addiction to 170lbs in active recovery.

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Yeah I’d love to hit the gym. But it’s a trigger I still got to get over my triggers

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Congratulations on your recovery bro!

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Oh yea, I got back into playing chess, and I've noticed the same behaviors of anger and depression when I do bad and the highs of doing good pop up. Doing some inventory on it helped me find some peace in understanding the growth of progress, not perfection.

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Chess :chess_pawn:! Such a strategic game! Calculated moves to win! Man I would love to learn to play. But I’m stuck on Pokémon go :joy:

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Cornhole and gym for me.

Gaming, lifting, hiking and skiing.

Congratulations on being sober

My sober hobbies: Roller skating, Supernatural on VR headset, indoor plants, Royal match cell phone game, diamond art, running on treadmill at PF, and crochet

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VR headset? How is it!? I want one. My cellphone game is Pokémon go lol

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Where I live it’s a little too hot for the hiking right now…

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I used to do Pokemon Go. It's been a while though. VR headset is cool. I got it for my 12 year old son. Supernatural is a workout game to music. It's pretty cool.

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Nutrition and working out…. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be into this

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