
Who was able to make it through the holiday weekend? Memorial Day just became like any other day for me! I intentionally didn’t go to any celebrations, however got together with family at home and it was awesome! And if you slipped, what was the temptation/trigger?

Relapse and recovery is a part of many of our journeys so talking about it can help! Tell us your journey


Did the same. Hung out with family and ate good food!

I made it through and was at a wedding and a huge party the following day. It was fantastic. I had a few moments where I needed to walk away, but over all, I would totally do it again!

I'm visiting a friend down in Vero, Florida and we didn't even notice the holiday! Just flew right by. Have spent the whole trip so far being active as all get out and it's so nice. A vacation without booze is something I'd never done in my teenage or adult life, and now I'm just cruising without even a thought about a alcohol. I'm feeling a tiny bit proud of myself right now.

Anyways, I'm glad it felt like just any other day for you, too!

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Awesome. You should be proud of yourself. And I’m proud of you too. Keep up the good work.

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I actually remember holidays now