How can u fix a relationship well fighting for your

How can u fix a relationship well fighting for your recovery its so Hard to be happy when there fighting for there life and always sad :sob::sob:


Recovery needs to come first… which includes tough decisions to be made :pray:


As Luis said, YOU come first. How can you care about someone else when you don't even care about yourself? That's how I think about it, at least. Tough decisions ahead, indeed.

My marriage had to end in order for me to be able to focus on myself. Of course, that's terrible and very unfortunate... but that's what it took.

You must do whatever you have to in order to focus on yourself. After a while, you may find that you are a different person...

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They make new guys every day. If you put every free minute into your recovery you have a chance to make a beautiful life for yourself and your kids.
You’re better off, and I’m very sorry to say this, to accept that ship has sailed.
If you let him go and you’re actually adult about it, that’s what he’s going to leave with.
His final impression of you will be good and there’s a possibility he may be back.

I can :100: relate to that painful situation

The easier softer way is to stop fighting and surrender to my program of sobriety. Once I did that all my relationships and issues became much easier to manage.
I’m here if you want to talk.

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I wish you success

Strongest and patience with yourself. Learning a new way to live isn't easy i know. Let your higher power guide only.

If I can be real honest, if you're married to a good man, look for relationship based recovery like marriage recovery. A lot of these programs are selfish, and there's not a lot of guidance for couples or couples who sponsor. Yes, of course, work on yourself, but if you're married, then you need a program for that relationship too that you work together. Still have your own program.

I was delulu. I was a softcore addict married to a hardcore addict. I didn't hear about marriage recovery until after we were divorced. That still ended up being best because it went abusive when I was trying to separate. Again, everyone was saying you guys need to work on yourselves. But there was a solid year we were looking for help and just couldn't get there. I was ready, and he was in too deep.

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Yes I’m married and yes it’s been a crazy 5 years with him but I think it’s coming back together now he’s finally got himself in oVP and is doing a lot batter I’m still in sober living at new life so I’m hope everything work out