How do I get started with this? Like I'm aware

How do I get started with this? Like I'm aware that I have a problem but I'm not hurting anyone but me. So what's the motivation to stop?


I used to think that I was only hurting myself also - and kept myself numb so I didn’t even feel that. But I came to realize that I was also hurting my family, friends, loved ones, coworkers, my employer. Everyone could see what I had become, despite my self-denial. Badly damaged was my professional reputation and my self-esteem. Heck, my dog suffered, Not getting the attention from her daddy that she craved so much. When I finally reached my bottom, I got serious about the 12 step fellowship that I had been giving lip service to for years. I worked the 12 steps like my life depended on it, because it did. Restored to sanity, in the process I realized that I sure hurt a lot more people than just myself. The biggest motivation for me to stop? Was that I didn’t want to be a low-life anymore; that I deserve a better life; that I was better than who I had become.


Well I felt the same way but it’s a delusion. I suffer from a lack of self love. But drunk Justin and Sober Justin are 2 different people. So just because I don’t acknowledge hurting others, disrespecting them, letting them down, making them watch my depression, etc. Doesn’t mean I’m not guilty of it. Time to be selfish in all the RIGHT ways! Take a real look at your life, and if sobriety is something you think will help your life? Add it! I wish you the best and I’m routing for you.

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If you give yourself over to the fact that you have a problem, if you do or don’t I don’t know. Then the chaotic life that alcohol creates will show itself to you.

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My motivation for sobriety is a better quality of life. Try going to some AA meetings. I know they saved my life.

Kudos to you for seeking out motivations to stop Cai. Thomas, Justin. Adam have each covered areas I relate with so the only thing I will add is that right, stop now before as Adam brought up - before the chaos shows itself. Wishing you the best, Cai ( and all here ).

Your motivation is to stop hurting yourself, you deserve better! :muscle:t3::black_heart: