How do i?

The bottom of the bottle is my only friend.


Hi Neeks we're here for you and you're not alone


Wow! There is so much more my friend than the bottom of a bottle.
Let me know if you want to talk.


Neeks, that’s no friend. :pray:


I once felt that way too.
There is a way out


It may feel like it Weeks, but it's not. If you really pay attention to what that poison does to your body when you drink it, you'll notice that it does not provide you any benefit at all. For example if you are sad, does it take your sadness away? If you're happy, does it make you happier? The feeling of the alcohol buzz itself: does it actually feel good? Many of us over the years have come to believe that alcohol actually does that stuff, that we enjoy the feeling, but the fact is those beliefs are lies, reinforced by TONs of social programming, both by the drug companies who make alcohol and others who have come to believe those lies as well.

Consider what alcohol actually does to you, dispel the myths, and you can be free from this slavery as you will no longer have a desire to out that nasty fûcking poison in your body.

You can do it, and why wouldn't you. Quitting a harmful addiction is a win, and you lose nothing by freeing yourself from alcohol.

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You know that lonely feeling that you seek to address at the bottom of that bottle? Well, have you ever noticed how when you sober up that feeling is that much worse? That's because drinking/using doesn't solve our issues. For a little while, it may numb or distract us from our pain, but the feelings we're running from come back stronger. It's like taking a painkiller for a sprain so that you don't feel it and you can use the injured part as if nothing is wrong. What happens when the painkiller wears off? Yeah. That injury is much worse. So it is with our spirit and emotions. And yeah, it may not be as immediately noticeable as my illustration, but over time I promise you, it will only make those feelings worse and worse. Ignoring or covering our feelings doesn't cure them. Our feelings are still there, getting all the more powerful for being neglected, just as they have as we've been neglected as human beings, either by ourselves or others.

Try recovery. Become a part of a recovering community online and/or face-to-face.

You'll make friends and learn healthier ways of filling that hole. You'll feel better about who you are and learn to care for yourself.
It's a trip, believe me!

Hugs and positive vibes :pray:

Been there! Time for better friends. Meetings and a sober community is a good place to look.

Your alcoholism is like a demon that will tell you any lie it can to kill you.

I don't need others, I do appreciate it, I want my parents to accept me

I am new to this, 31 days in, but I can already say it is worth it. I cant say your parents will accept you, but speaking from my experience, sobriety is helping me accept myself, which is a huge priority. I also put a figure to my enemy that was trying to kill me. I am always avoiding/ staying clear of "The Bear" in the bottle.

That is the lie the mental obsession and the phenomenon of craving tells us. that’s why we need a sponsor to get us through the steps to help us break free from the lies.
You are not alone anymore…
Do you have a sponsor? Are you working the steps?