How do you fall asleep sober? The only thing

Thanks so much everyone! Starting a new sleep routine tonight using the tools recommended here (maybe not all at the same time, lol) have a blessed and relaxing night!


A lot of great suggestions here. The restless mind, full of shame and regret, faded quickly as I began working with my sponsor and becoming active within my home group.

I was sleeping like a baby within about 3 months. But I never slept well while drinking. So when I actually finally began sleeping sober, it was as if I had never gotten a full nights rest in my life. The quality of sleep I get now is almost reason enough to stay sober!!

Keep at it. Guided meditation on YouTube. @jenn122709 has told me 10 times the best one but I forget. I did trazodone and still do melatonin occasionally but mostly I think my program of sobriety alleviated the obsession of the mind, and enabled me to sleep naturally.

And South Texas Is certainly brutal this summer. Stay cool.


I have to put a movie on that I've seen 100 times already, and occasionally a benedryl.

I got put on trazadone for insomnia

Drinking sleep is nothingggggg like the good sleep you’re about to feel. For some people it works, and some it doesn’t, but when In rehab I was prescribed 100mg trazedone. It was a dream scape. Then I broke them in half, and so on. Sleep like a baby without anything now! Here’s to classical music, meditations, deep breathing, and that zen sleep!


I used calm when I first got sober, and melatonin. Valerian tea and Magnolia tea helps as well. And really just accepting that sometime I just couldn't sleep and not to stress about it because my brain would make it worse! Recently I started listening to audiobooks at night after meditation if I'm still struggling.

Beth, welcome to Loosid! Congrats on 21 days sober!
I had a rough time sleeping after I stopped. Doctor prescribed me trazodone. It made me feel like a zombie in the morning. I tried melatonin.
Basically what worked the best was going on hikes and keeping busy to the point of exhaustion.

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Same here

Read and Put the electronics AWAY and off. Try Non habit forming supplements. Sleepy time drinks. Meditation. Brain won’t shut down but your body is tired? Try counting backwards from 100 while in bed. Repeat “clear your mind” over and over. Hit your knees thank Him for sobriety and ask for rest. It’ll come! And you’ll be more refreshed than ever.

I sometimes use the app Insight Timer. There are lots of great guided sleep meditations on the app, available for free. My favorites are from a guy named Kenneth Soares— his guided sleep meditations knock me out every time🥱

Your body will go through changes during early sobriety. But having said that, I've had sleeping problems all my life even when I was a child. My mother has them too.

Try to stay away from anything with caffeine at least four hours before bedtime. The same applies to sugar. Getting into an exercise program will also help.

Try to put away all electronic devices and maybe find a good book to read. If you keep the light down low and start reading a book it seems to help you get sleepy. I would stay away from any medications as they are very bad for your liver.

Same. I'm a night shift guy so it was needed. Stuff is AMAZING!!!!

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Sleepytime Tea Extra

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I struggled with sleep even while in my addiction, I need a sleep aide because I have insomnia. I know some people say stay away from medications but some people such as myself legitimately need them or we can’t get much sleep at all, 2-3 hours a night is not enough to function properly. But if you don’t have insomnia and still struggle I would recommend melatonin, it’s a natural sleep aide that won’t hurt you.

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Over the counter meds that are safe and will help

I haven't had this issue, my sleep went back to normal. Alcohol would wake me up during the night feeling like​:poop: . I'd pass out easy enough, but always felt like :poop:. You don't go through the normal cycles of sleep and don't get restful sleep as an alcoholic.

The initial passing out I jokingly miss, but believe me..I’d rather not sleep than to drink again.

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