How to find local sober friends seems seems like everyone

How to find local sober friends seems seems like everyone in their 20s I know is a drinker

I struggled with that throughout my 20's, still do. Depending on where you're at, you may find a place that's specifically for sober people, a "dry" bar setting. Otherwise, AA meetings or finding a church that fits you can help

I don’t trust AA

What do you think will happen/does happen there?

Shrugs since AAs are comprised of random groups, they're all different. I didn't like the first few I went to, but found good ones down the road. Either way I'm not sure what there is to not "trust" about them

i know sometimes it is difficult to trust AA. if you need someone to talk to, you can message me for my phone number. i’m in my 20’s and know how it feels to be in the boat you are in.

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I think all addicts struggle with trust issues. Lord knows i do, but if AA/NA has worked for so many others i have to ask myself, "am i worth giving it a shot?"

Hey Cole! AA isn’t the only option. Give SMART Recovery a try. They have local meetings and online meetings. Also, at the bottom of this app there are resources at the lifesaver help icon that may be helpful. Depending on where you live, there may also be dry/sober bars with healthy activities. Dig around and see what works for you.

AAs success rate is terrible though

It’s definitely a struggle… I’ve personally had to try to learn to just be alone and find myself again since I got so lost in addiction. I do things that make me feel good whether it’s fishing or walking the river with head phones in. Things that remind me that there are more options than drinking at bars and playing pool with friends getting trashed. Be alone for a little and figure out what things you like to do alone soberly. Seriously……

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All way remember change! Aa 1986