How you cope with cravings? What is really helpful for

How you cope with cravings? What is really helpful for you?

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Hi Jane, cravings are going to come and go for a good amount of timeā€¦.going to a meeting and getting in the middle of the herd will help greatly! Recovery depends on a number of things , one of them being the ability to become comfortable being uncomfortableā€¦.cravings always passā€¦Keith Kayle

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Keith, I love that what you said. Thank you!

Hi Jane, everything Keith said is true. I also found ice cream, or a good seltzer water helped me. Just remember cravings pass. Just keep doing the next right thing and it will all work out.

Distractions help, start doing something else and the craving usually subsides.

Anytime Janeā€¦.thanks for responding!

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