I am 7 days sober from alcohol and my other

I am 7 days sober from alcohol and my other drug of choice. But I feel like I could relapse at any time. I don't know when these feelings stop.


Hey Lowell — that’s all totally normal. Getting sober isn’t easy. But it is worth it. For me, AA is where I learned to regulate my feelings and ultimately where I found my happiness.

Go check out a meeting. Identify as new. Find a sponsor and work your steps.

I hope you find what I’ve found. Feel free to message me if you need anything.


Bro…I hate to say it, but the feeling really never goes away. At least for me, however, it gets easier to manage. And therapy has done wonders for me. I have done five years sober and fucked up for 4 years, however I found a sponsor I’m currently working the step’s again and 6 months sober. You can do it have faith in yourself! If truly want sobriety you have to really fight those inner demons everyday but like I said. It does get easier. Stay strong my friend!

The first week is the hardest. The aches, the shakes, the anxiety, night sweats, insomnia…but that first week is the hardest.

Power through one more week and your brain is already rewiring itself and adjusting to not having it in order to function. The brain fog will lesson and it starts to feel like more of a habit.

Your body will start to heal, your mind won’t feel so panicked or obsessed, and you start to notice just how nice it is to want it less. Recover at your own pace and be easy on yourself. You know your body best.

Body armors, or the light version, are jam packed with electrolytes and nutrients your body may depleted of so I always recommend drinking these the first couple weeks to replenish your body while the brain adapts. Good luck and here to help if you have any questions.


Lowell, I know how you’re feeling. It does get better and easier.
I had to go to early morning meetings before work and again at night, everyday. Even when I started feeling good. I had to break my patterns, thoughts and feelings. I’m so glad I did! I broke free from the prison/addiction. You can do it too, but shouldn’t do it alone. Get out of ego and let the sober community help you.
I’ll friend request you know. I’m here if you want to talk

It gets better, I promise. Listen, this is a life changing adventure you don't want to miss. Keep your head high because you are a tough s.o.b. :triumph: