I am a meth addict in this photo was a

I am a meth addict in this photo was a before and after of when I went to rehab 3 years ago! I relapsed June of last year, when I decided to go to rehab I knew at that time I needed to do something different I prayed for God to make away bc I have 3 beautiful girls that needed me then and still needs me. I went on my own no court order or punishment I knew I needed Jesus pumped in my and that was the only way out of fighting my demons and craving meth. I went to a faith base recovery ( best thing I ever done and wish I cld go a second time) I finished my 6 months well skip back to before rehab I was a mess I got into a fling with a guy that involved meth and we kept intouch throughout rehab bc he also went to a diff one as well but it was not planned like that but God has a purpose for everything so we kept intouch the whole time by writing long hand letters. Now fast forward to him and I being out fresh, new creations of Christ and clean and sober and had no clue who each other was bc we were always high and had codependency issues…. Well of course things moved quick he moved in with me and 1’mnth later we were married. ( biggest mistake I ever made in my life and I’ve made quit a few)! I filled out an application for a near by hospital and “boom” just like that got a job, God promises in the Bible that everything will be restored and my goodness everything was going great, until it stopped the devil was waiting on me at my door the day I got out. Well I’ve been back relapsed on meth June will be 1 whole year, and i hate it! Getting married is the worst thing to ever do right out of rehab …. Bc when you have completed the 6mnths your recovery journey really begins it doesn’t end and your all healed. I have done my daily inventory and documented each day of my relapse where I can share my story outloud bc it does not get shared enough. Yes it’s easy getting clean but guess what’s the hardest staying that way! God has to stay in the center of everything, every choice, every mistake etc


God saved me!

Good stuff! Hmu if you need advice, support

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I will take any kind of advice if it’s real and I cld use in the present or the future

That’s awesome he saved me as well we are set apart I’m hoping your sharing your recovery with others! I posted this for anyone that is struggling with relapse bc I am rn