I am attempting to detox from alcohol alone at home

I am attempting to detox from alcohol alone at home. I am almost 24 hours since my last drink and feeling much better than in the night/morning. I keep reading that 36-48 hours is when it starts to become dangerous and it’s giving me anxiety. Is there a chance I’m in the clear?


Keep busy and know tomorrow morning you

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Will feel great!!!

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I would do this, and not worry about it. Drink lots of water, get some exercise, even just a brisk walk will help a lot, eat good food as you can, spicy food of you like it, and rest each evening at the same time. Do that, you'll be feeling great in a couple more days.


Sound advice :+1:

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Jamie, stay cool and stay close to the sober community.


Let your mind take you. Somewhere else….

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You got this

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Alone is the problem. Never do that

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Don’t forget to rest. I hope you’re makin it.

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Best of luck. I tried and failed to detox alone many times because I felt like I was going to have a heart attack (heart rate, blood pressure and insomnia out of control). Going to the urgent care and getting immediate help is one of the best decisions I've ever made.

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I don't want to be nagging however detoxing from alcohol is very dangerous and I also think that everyone has their own reactions. You have started the process but I suggest sharing with at least one person in your circle so that they can check in.

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Good morning Jamie, how are you doing? I pray that you are doing well. Detoxing from alcohol by yourself is very dangerous!!!

Please let us know how you are doing 

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How are you doing today?