I am currently in rehab and have been in and

I know it’s hard decision, but your daughter will be there and respect you more if you finish up the program and work the program respect is gonna be hard thing to get back. If any respect is gained with me I never quite got it back because of my past and I don’t even know what I did but now I’m so I’m glad of it.

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Thank you Ron!

I found over the years that when I’ve surrendered and complete my recommended stay that it started my journey after on a positive note. EVERY time I got into my will and left early things didn’t work out so well. That last few days of treatment and my willingness to take direction, help others, and let myself have a new and different experience is often an indicator of my overall attitude as I start a new journey. Good luck as you go forward.

I second what Tim said. In sobriety, it’s important that we finish what we start and keep promises to ourselves.

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I agree gentleman I am going to finish. Show my strength in myself and my higher power.

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Glad to hear you’re going to stay. While your there make sure not to struggle. Just take the suggestions and gain insight on your disease. Might as well since you’re there.

Stay there in your head and heart. Accept what you cannot change.

So happy to hear you stayed! 7 days might not seem like much but in those 7 days you may learn the thing that seals the deal and gives you the tools to deal with the challenges you will face when you go home. Super proud of you as you should be of yourself!

Thanks Tim

Thanks Mary

Thanks Josh