I am currently in rehab and have been in and

I am currently in rehab and have been in and out for the last year. I’m 78 days sober today. I just got a call from my ex-wife who is being very confrontational with my daughter. My daughter definitely has the attitude of a teenager. She does not deserve to be treated that way, however. I feel like a lot of this is my fault for not being around. Period I’m contemplating leaving rehab which I only have one week left of anyway. Any suggestions may help


DON’T DO IT!!!!! It is so important to complete your treatment. You will be stronger for it and an example to your daughter that you’re not a quitter and committed to your recovery.

I agree with the logic, but when is your children it’s a tougher decision to make. Also if she does run away im not sure what I would do.

Hmmmm….that’s a tough one.

I know it’s tough I mean the one thing I know is that I cant drink nor do I want to

I think in the long run 7 days is just a blip in time. You will not fix the problem or heal the rifts in 7 days. That’s what living amends are for. This is going to sound harsh but even though you are important within your family - you are not the reason for these problems. You are also not the solution. To put that on yourself will set you up for failure. It’s not the time in rehab it’s the sticking it out as a method of surrender. It is putting your recovery above all else. You will face this same dilemma many times during your path. You will be forced to choose and if you want sobriety you, must choose recovery. A lifetime of being a good father to will is your ultimate goal…no?

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I think we are also very good at co-signing our own bullshit and we have to be wary of this forever. Look deeply, are you trying to be the director in your life vs living life on life’s terms? Is this feeling that you being home will fix what sounds like a long standing, multi factorial, complicated problem a means of rationalizing taking the easier, softer way? Only you can answer this with honesty. Take a pause and ask for guidance. Have faith that things will play out the way the universe intended. And that may not be the way you want them to. But in the end it will be ok. The decision to stay may have a positive ripple many moons in the future

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I agree with most of that almost all of that but my concern os her running away. Thoughts. Im not arguing but looking for the rational.

Can you make a deal - a promise for a promise

Im not sure what you mean.

Can you make an agreement with her. Like an adult. If she can promise not to run away for the next 7 days you can promise to do something with or for her that she values

Ahhh I like that suggestion

Thank you

I understand you being compelled to leave rehab but the best thing you can do for your daughter is to put your recovery first. She deserves a dad who is sober, healthy n happy. Maybe try praying for your HP to look after her n facilitate the best possible outcome for everyone.

Thank you all I decided to stick it out here. It was the best for me.

Stay there bro. You should make ur sobriety the priority. Once you’re truly sober and on solid ground, then you can better deal with life’s challenges.
All that will happen in the right time.

Praying that you make the right decision. Wishing you happiness

I hope you stayed in.

Don’t leave rehab! There’s a reason why you have to stay the whole time. Your recovery comes before anything else right now. Period.

Thank you all for your advice. I had a meeting tonight and I have two set up for tomorrow. She is safe and another person’s house for now.