I am having a hard time stopping dope for any reasonable amount of time. I quit for 7 years, then did it again, and it’s been 2 years off the wagon. Wish I had someone to turn to - to reach out to.
Sending a prayer for you.
Hey Martin you can put it down. What do you want to do instead of dope?
Well, there’s not really anything I want to do, per se. I just want to exist w/o it. Trouble is, there’s no real consequence to using dope for me. I do it in private, have my fun, and no one is hurt. I just don’t like hiding it. But I am really open about it. I am, however, tired of the lifestyle. But I have no one to reach out to.
You have us.
Yes, indeed. And thank you. I need a comrade to confide in and check with me a few times a week to offer advice when I get a craving or a compulsion.
Do you do any recovery meetings. Do you have any support from anyone. I suggest you find this because you need people to hold you accountable. I sponsor someone.
Yea I have a lot of support.
How are you Martin?
I do want to be part of a group. I’m not particularly partial to the 12 step application, so finding one is no easy endeavor. Got to do something quick because I keep using. There doesn’t seem to be a consequence to for my actions, save for the medical ones. Any advice, friends?
Praying for you! Don’t be so hard on yourself about time. One day is all you should think about. I also suggest going to meetings and ask for phone numbers. So you have people to call. You are not alone! We have all been there!
I’m well, and thank you for asking. Sort of in limbo because I keep getting high. I’m in a strange set of circumstances, as I can obtain dope in a flash. Makes it hard to say no.
It will stick! Just keep believing.
I’m well, Darryl, and thank you for asking. One day at a time, my friend.
Yes Martin. Once you get through or get some traction, it’ll be worth it. People Places & Things!!
You're in Riverside. There is every flavor of AA/NA meeting you can choose from. Get in and stick with it. All the prayers in the world are worthless, I mean, ll cross my fingers for ya. It's pointless without in person, real live contact with other addicts who know what you're dealing with.
That’s true. I use prayer to get out of my head, although I’m not Christian. It’s a sort of meditation. I’ll look for an NA meeting, and thank you.
I get it. I just meant that praying for someone does them little good, aside from being a kind gesture. Even the Christian Bible says this in James 2.
If you find a secular AA meeting, they are very lenient on drugs vs alcohol and are great places for real, practical recovery.
I’m good, Darryl. Thank you for asking. I’m back on the wagon, so wish me luck.
Get walking. 2 miles, three times a day. And meetings. And to bed on time.