I am just broken

I am just broken


Sorry to hear that , anything in mind ?

Hey girl if u need to talk Iā€™m here for u. This shit is hard.

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Keep your head up talk with people go to a meeting stay busy

What's going on?

You can't spell broken without ok


Even broken crowns still color don't give up on your sobriety I know it's hard and it's not only a physical addiction but a mental addiction too if you can control the mental part of the addiction you can deal with the physical part too it's not easy and don't get discouraged if you fall off the wagon get back up on that damn thing and drive it like you own it and long as you want to get sober for yourself and no one else in my experience that's how I did it everybody told me I had a drinking problem and a drug problem and I would tell them it's not a problem to me it's a problem to you now I'm 26 years sober and I drive a taxi driving drunks and drug addicts back and forth to the bars but you have to want to do it for yourself that's what it took for me and once you get to that point I'm not going to promise you it'll be easy but don't stop trying keep your head above water and don't worry how to spell broken no big deal worry about fixing yourself and if you got people around you that don't understand and don't support you they're not your friends get rid of them


Ann life is difficult, alcohol and other mind altering drugs make it worse, at that moment it may put a veil over whats troubling us , however in the long run it makes things worse. My suggestion is surround yourself with people who support, love and who are direct with you. Good luck, life is good

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Anne, I am sorry that you feel that way! I had a dear friend speak for me in a 4pm live meeting I chair in Staten Island NY yesterday and he mentioned in his qualification what sounds like the way you feel. He said that one of the many stupid slogans we have wasn't so stupid for him and that was "this too shall pass". The only other thing I suggest is that let yourself get through the day because of the love you have for your children. Especially being that today is Mother's Day. So Happy Mother's Day Anne! :blossom::sunflower::tada::tulip:

Anne, life is a rollercoaster with its ups and downs - adding any substances just masking the problem and will cause more anxiety, issues, pain, hurt etc. Iā€™m NEWLY sober myself and I hate to hear your broken. I hope healing comes your way SOON. :pray:

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,thank you sir



Not really

Nope not looking for advice just help

Your not as broken as you think, there are a lot of negative things being tossed at you and me right now, just keep fighting girl

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Broken not defeated
Time and focus heals the damage and the hurt

Surrender to the winning side, was a stark revelation, over my struggle before

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Your not alone


Me too Anne me too...sending love and a hug :heartpulse:

It does get better.

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