I am not a fan of Hospitals

So I’m still going strong with sobriety, but I just clocked out in my sober livings kitchen. I’m in the hospital and I feel cruddy, they’re running tests. I don’t think it’s anything too serious but I’m hanging tight with my HP. Hospitals aren’t my favorite For obvious reasons


Hoping you are ok!!

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Doing good! Forgot to eat yesterday :man_facepalming:t3:

Hang in there boy do I have hospital stories! 🥸

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Swift healing to you my man.

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Sending good energy to you.

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You’re a fighter!

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One Day at a Time

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Be well, we've all been there.

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How are you holding up Benjamin?

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Sending positivity your way💚

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Hang In there one day at a time life on life's terms

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Hope you feel better soon!

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You got this!

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