I am on day 3 sober, today will be day

I am on day 3 sober, today will be day 4. I wake up every morning with anxiety and have been having very vivid weird dreams. I suppose this is normal. I’ve always been an anxious person so maybe that’s just me. Just wondering if this is normal and what other symptoms people have experienced.


Yup. This is normal. Symptoms of PAWS can last up to 2 years but usually the first 10 days or so are the worst. Medications can help with the anxiety too. I would connect with your primary care provider and talk to them and see what they say. I’m on day 22. Stay strong. You can do this. :sparkling_heart:


Thank you. Congratulations on 22 days!

Very normal your deffinently not alone keep up the good work .. Incase you haven't heard yet today I'm proud of you.!. #werebettertogether

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Perfectly normal

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Oh yeah for sure the bizarre and vivid dreams in early days is normal. They still happen once in awhile even after 15 years of sobriety.
Are you working with a sponsor?

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Not yet but have a few people’s numbers that were given to me at the meeting.