I am on day 6 off of meth and alcohol

I am on day 6 off of meth and alcohol. I have lived 2 separate lives for over half of my entire life. 15 years. I am struggling with feeling worthless and unmotivated. I just want some energy. All I wanna do is eat and sleep. Ugh.


Hi Kayla! Great job getting all the way to 6 days! Even if you haven't eaten and slept yet, your doing a lot!

CAN'T Have both

Glad you've made it to day 6. The lethargy will pass. Have you consider talikg to a doctor about everything associated with coming off your D.O.C? They may be ae to help

It's gonna be that way for a bit but soon you'll be able to feel more and gain some energy and receive more stimulation from things.

Nice job, Kayla! It’s been a while but I hope you can get back to us and give us an update on how you’re doing! I felt worthless and unmotivated when I first got sober too. It takes a little while for everything to get out of your system + sometimes there are mental health stuff we need to figure out. I’m going to add you, DM me if you wanna chat!

Nice job!

Eating and sleeping help ride the wave

Hey, I'm the same boat Hon. Recently started and feeling depressed and no energy…

Wishing I could go to sleep and not wake up.

Well best of luck, Ive messed up a bunch of times.

U got this it will taper off it’s a slow process but the rewards are worth it don’t run

Kayla omg SLEEP is my immediate remedy for depression or hard times. It’s basically an alternative to suicide which most people say they wish they were dead but don’t really mean it even though they may feel they do. Idk I will fuckn sleep mad long for
Days n days if I
Can if shits goin down just sayn

Kayla where u from girl??

How are you doing after a month Kayla. I know it’s not easy. I’ve been there. I had to go to treatment to get clean because I couldn’t do it by myself. Hang in there it gets better.