I am REALLY struggling. Tired of always starting back at

I am REALLY struggling. Tired of always starting back at Day 1. Could really use some support right now.:unamused:


Don’t get discouraged Eric…. Day 1 is better than one day … no matter how many Day 1’s… keep trying, attend meetings, call someone and share your thoughts and feelings :pray:t3:


Thank you, Luis! That’s very true, one quote I try to keep in mind… Day 1 is better than one day.


I can't count how many day 1s I've had. The important thing is that you're back. Have you thought any about changing your routines?

Thank you, Jim. I have definitely and need to change routines. I just need to find things to keep me busy, too much time on my hands. But, the down fault of that is, I’m use to rewarding myself with my addictions when I have productive days. I battle with mental illness as well and am seriously considering starting therapy.


I encourage you to seek therapy… i also have mental problems and struggle with depression and drinking does not help. It never really does. Therapy is always recommended. It can only help you. And you have nothing to lose. Keep it up :heart:

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I’ve had so many day ones, and I can almost still feel the shame and guilt of starting over. I use that feeling now as one of my main tools to maintain my sobriety. You’re not required to have another day one, but I know how difficult it is to ask for help.. and continue to ask for help.. and when things get better (because they do) ask for help even when you don’t think you need it. That’s the only way it works.

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Thank you, Luna. My family and myself, believe if I can tackle my depression, my addictions may disappear as well. May I ask, do you use online therapy like BetterHelp?

Eric, are you doing the steps w a sponsor?
For me, it was the key! I’ll friend request you now. Let me know if you are serious and want to do the steps.

All of us have more day ones than we can count. Just keep trying. I'm at almost 3 years sober and had about 10,000 day ones

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Hugs Eric - today is my Day 1 again. I desperately want to do better

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I go to individual weekly therapy and weekly DBT group therapy I'm also on some mental illness support groups and I swear as dumb as I thought journaling is it helps me work through things even on the good days. Don't start at day one just get up and keep going I had a slip and if I would have thrown it all away I probably would've "made it worth it" and thinking I'll start tomorrow. My slip probably wouldn've kept going. So instead of starting over I just got back up and kept going. In 20 months I've had 613 sober days. That's what I do.

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I can only speak from my experience to help another alcoholic/addict. If you drink like me, sure will power will not keep me sober. Sure I can stop drinking, but I can’t stay stoped. Using alcohol is how I solve problem and deal with life, but then things become unmanageable and destructive. That’s west step 1 comes into place. So I need support from a lower greater then myself. From there it’s working a program, having a sponsor walk me through the twelve steps, take actions in life in those principals. I have to change my outlook on life. I start my day asking my higher power to keep me sober, and a few during the day. I talk other alcoholics, because they understand me. I try and be of service for other people to get outside myself. I go to meetings. And say thanks at night! I’m glad you made it back. We are the fortunate ones!