I am so lonely I am going insane

Sober activities

  1. Go to the movies.
  2. Play a sport. Find a local a league.
  3. Take a dance class, singing lessons or learn an instrument.
  4. Go skating.
  5. Go for a hike.
  6. Take up rock climbing.
  7. Spend time with the kids.
  8. Try out a new ‘recess sport’. Join a league.
    Sports like kickball and dodgeball are popping up throughout the country. See how good it feels to act like a kid again with a sport that is light on rules and heavy on fun.
  9. Go tubing, kayaking, fishing or to a beach.
  10. Learn to make something. Cooking crafts or DIY projects.
  11. Paintball bowling frisbee golf.
  12. Visit a museum, those sightseeing, check out local history.
  13. Volunteer your time
  14. Take up a new hobby. Gardening, woodworking, etc.
  15. Plan A trip.
  16. Work toward a goal. Fitness, cycling,
  17. Dream big. Tour a house or land you are interested in buying.
  18. Go to the theatre, take up acting
  19. Go to a concert.
  20. Go 4-wheeling.
  21. Pick up an instrument.
    Always wanted to learn how to play guitar, but never found the time? Now is your chance.
  22. Go skiing or snowboarding.
  23. Go shopping.
  24. Take a walk.
  25. Make new friends.
    Support/ recovery groups are great places to meet new and sober friends
  26. Build a website, start a vlog, start a blog
  27. Go on a date.
  28. Join a cause.
  29. Journal.
  30. Create a dream board.
  31. Build a website.
  32. Read a book.
  33. Learn something new. 34. Build a side hustle. 35. Fix something.
    36.Paint something.

Those are excellent suggestions while long lists REally overwhelm me!

Why are you feeling lonely, Bradley?
How long have you been sober?
Simply curious.

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I was a long time ago I am a solitary guy I just get lonely late at night sometimes I am different from most ppl

This post keeps blowing up but I am ok

I have been sober for 4 days but I have been alone for 11 years

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I will never say another post it's embarrassing to be trending

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That's not funny at all I was texting 988 so often they knew me and that is no joke

Do not be embarrassed about anything. You were being honest and that shows you are very strong. That 100% takes a lot of courage. If you can do this, I see good things for you. When you are trending I know it’s a little intimidating, but my post was trending not too long ago. it was actually great because I got so many great tips and helpful comments. Be you man. Being here is a great step in a good direction. I have faith in you.

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Please do not be embarrassed. There’s no perfect people in this world what they’re still using or sh.. life or even if they’re in working a sober program I came across something in a meeting the other day and I walked out. I don’t think I’ll be back to that meeting, and if I do, I sure as heck will not open up cause I confined it to somebody and they talked behind my back and that’s hurtful and that’s coming from somebody with multiple years of sobriety.

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As addicts we are all sick. Even sober, we are still sick people and some of us never recover mentally

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Amen to that Joshua!!! :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Mr. King I want to apologize for trying to be funny at the wrong time and place. I get that you where struggling and my actions were in poor taste, sorry and I hope your situation is getting better. God bless you

So get out there stop being on pit pot find your passion