I am so lonely I am going insane

I am so lonely I am going insane


Sobriety can often be a lonely road. Personally, I started gaming. Sounds lame, and it kinda is, but it passes the time and keeps me sober. Meeti gs are great for getting a social fix. Here in Dallas we actually have a few dry bars now.

Alot of the time I'll go and serve/interact with the homeless. Bring them food, clothes, lend an ear. It can be dangerous at times though, as well as exposing me back to the drug elements from which I left. Idk what to tell you aside from what works for me. I will say this however, conquer that. Loneliness is one of the too reasons for relapse.


Thanks for trying

No problem. In rehab I remember an exercise where we all started listing on sober activities. I had made a point to hold on to that list and unfortunately I don't know where it went but I will try to find it and if I can I'll start another one and get it to you once it has a little substance to it

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What state do you live in so I at least have an idea of what the options are?

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Tennessee but I live in a tiny town and it's 1130pm and I don't have a car

I embrace the loneliness like it's a gift. I get to know myself, make myself laugh, learn to like myself again. I treat myself to things I want, do what I want. People can be toxic. I also have a couple dogs and lots of projects. Stay busy!! Whatever you do, don't drink.

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I have been to 6 rehabs and I have done all that too

I have been completely isolated for 11 years and I like being alone too but after a while it will drive you insane

Yes, I feel that, no doubt. It might be time for us to rejoin society.

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I like being by myself but when I feel lonely I go to 12 step meetings

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Loneliness sucks in the beginning, no doubt. It's your heads way of pulling you in and saying, "You may as well drink because there's nothing else to do."

I see you're retired yet you don't have a car. I don't want to ask any personal questions in the open here, but I do know that nothing changes if nothing changes.

When you drank, how did you get to the store to buy your supply? Maybe someone can take you into Bristol or Johnson City. If you can get to some AA meetings, you can build a support group. You may find that someone's lives closer to you than you think.

You can start by contacting the nearest AA office.
Tri-Cities TN Hotline (Johnson City)

Johnson City , Tennessee

Phone:(423) 928-0871

Tri-Cities TN Hotline (Bristol and Kingsport) (21.51 miles)

Bristol , Tennessee

Phone:(423) 968-2020

Is moving closer to those locations an option?

There are always alternatives but only you can make those changes.

Breaking that loneliness starts by getting active and changing your life.

Please reach out to me anytime.



Me too. I realized though, none of the people around before were actually around for me. Ever


Hey bro, get a gym membership. The gym is a great place to meet like minded folks.


Coming from a female I tend to isolate myself I found it writing journaling, drawling I used to work on wood projects a lot long walks are good for the soul. Sometimes it gets boring being isolated and there’s not a lot around your area it sounds like…you may have some artistic talent seek something your heart connects to STAY STRONG :muscle::pray:t2::muscle::pray:t2::muscle::pray:t2::muscle:

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I would like to have you as a friend so I could ask you about one of your posts

Sure thing!!

Try joining some groups on discord or search for chat apps.

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I know it’s not the same, but it’s something. I know chat rooms are not trendy anymore but there are lots of people still using them. Give it a chance.