I am so up and down. I have a few good days and then the anxiety hits and I physically cannot move or get out of bed.
I feel that way alot too.
So you have to embrace the process of recovery. By hitting a bottom. A person must be finished before they can start to see progress. Do you feel you need treatment
Don't know a good way of telling u how to help. With that. Stay strong beautifull
I spent 6 montha in treatment and was fine. (I've been out for 6 months now.) But then I had to go home. I live alone and I'm not near family. I lost all my friends because of drugs. I think the loneliness and emptiness is kill me. I literally have no one and nothing and my life is just empty.
Dam Sabrina it will get better. We can make it worse by using. But it will get better
YouTube is a great source, look up “ Anxiety relief” So many people are going through what you are feeling. There are many ways to calm your mind and body down. Find one “better feeling thought” name 10 things you’re grateful for, say Positive affirmations constantly, Observe your thought processes, catch the negative ones before they snowball❤️
I find meetings and the people involved with them helps especially with anxiety attacks
It has to get better. Get out n be around people.
Bless your heart. Worry has been my thing and medicine and counseling have helped a lot
Worry and depression
Just do the opposite of whatever you think you’ll be OK
Learn to live by yourself. Whenever you leave this planet, you will be by yourself. It’s about finding your super power, something special you bring to the table. Once you determine your super power, then you can live with yourself and add value to other’ lives.
Have you tried meditation?
Hope u had a good day today.
Try contacting those friends again. Tell them that you’re working hard to get to a better place and that you are on your way. I went through the same thing when I sobered up cold turkey. Maybe worth a shot. Hope it helps.